Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Resource in Management

Resource in Management

Q Task: First, summarize Chapter 4 in 250 to 300 words. Include word count. How do you feel about the course content and course load so far? How do you think what you have learned so far may help you as a student, person, or a future professional? What about the workload? Do you feel you are spending reasonable amount of time for this course? Or do you feel the expected workload is too much or too little? Is there anything you want to share with me about your course experience at this point? List three values that are important to you. You may find the list of values on page 75, Table 3.1 Terminal and Instrumental values, or elsewhere such as some websites, for instance

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1. In the chapter 4, there is a clear discussion on the beliefs of the individual. The beliefs can be considered as the primary aspect of making the character and personality of the individual. The influence of the belief is there for impacting the behavior of the individual. The beliefs possess enough power for affecting the behavior. Even there can be prevention of the certain actions. There are several procedures that can shape the reality of us. There is also a concept like belief system where, the idea of belief of someone can be measured as the system. The belief system is nothing but an established set of the supportive beliefs those are mutual.